Product Details Tab

Classic style

Modern style

Product details tab settings
Section margin Space between other sections. Order is top-right-bottom-left. Set margin for desktops
Section margin on laptop Space between other section on laptop. This option is useful for reponsiveness.
Section margin on mobile Space between other section on mobile
Tab title color Set text color of tab titles
Selected tab title color Set text color of active tab title
Section style Set section style. There are two styles - classic and modern. See images at the very top of this page.
Description Show product description
Reviews Show product reviews. Venedor supports most popular review apps such as Loox, Growave, Ali-reviews, Judgeme, and Shopify Product Reviews. Just install one of these apps and set reviews app from the Theme settings -> Product -> I am using review app. Then the reviews widget will automatically appear in this tab.
Product Video Shows videos of products. Venedor automatically detects product videos and then show them in this tab. Just upload product videos! Refer Shopify official documentation to see how to upload videos to products. You may see warnings after uploading your video/3d model, but ignore it! Our theme fully supports media types.
Custom Tab Add custom tabs to the product detail page. You can add unlimited tabs to product page.
If you want to show product-specific content under custom tab, you should map existing product metafield to Tab content setting.