Nested collections and sidebar menu

Here is Shopify Official Documentation about Products.

Nested collection is composed by parent collection and child collections.

Create parent collection

  1. Navigate Shopify Admin > Products > Collections.
  2. Click Create Collection and input parent collection name.
  3. Select Manual in Collection Type block.
  4. Select collection.nested-collection in Theme templates block.
    Create parent collection

Create navigation to add child collections

  1. Navigate Shopify Admin > Online Store > Navigation.
  2. Click Add menu button and input navigation title.
  3. Click Add menu item below and select parent collection we created from above step.
  4. Add child menu items with collections - child collections.
    Add collection nav and child collections

Set menu as collection sidebar menu in theme settings

  1. Navigate Shopify Admin > Online Store > Themes > Customize.
  2. Switch to Theme Settings tab and click Collection Page.
  3. Select create menu above in Sidebar menu setting.
  4. Save settings
    Add collection nav and child collections