Venedor Section - Instagram

Setting - Instagram Sections
Section Settings
Section Margin Space between other sections. Order is top-right-bottom-left. Unit is pixel. E.g: 60px 15px 60px 15px
Section Layout Set width of the section.
  • Fixed Width - Section width equals container(Page width) width that you can change here.
  • Full Width - Section horizontally fills page.
Section Title Set section title
Section Description Set section description text
Button Text Set text of join button
Link To Set insta link to the button
Instagram Settings
Layout style Set section style
Instagram hashtag Add unique tag names to your instagram posts and then input it here
Number of images to show Total number of images to fetch from instagram
Number of images to show Number of images to show in a row or slide
Instagram Section Style - Carousel Instagram Section Style - Masonry Instagram Section Style - Grid Instagram Section Style - Slide